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We believe in you, we grow with you! ???

Hour the fifth consecutive year, Hispanic Media is preparing the event dedicated to Latina women for their empowerment. The 2021 edition of Latinas Summit returns to the face-to-face modality and you are our most important guest.

Let’s keep the conversation going. This is the slogan of the event and the four conferences this year on Covid 19, The Opioid Crisis, Open Enrollment and Business & Coaching, that will be developed by distinguished panelists.

The appointment is this November 11th, starting at 5:00 p.m (ET) at the headquarters of El Concilio, located at 141 E. Hunting Park Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19124. The admission is free.
Latinas Summit 2021 is the quintessential event that honors the influence of Hispanic women and raises awareness about health and a healthier lifestyle.

Book your attendance now!


? #Health | Covid-19
? #Entrepreneurship | Open Enrollment
? #Wellness | The Opioid Crisis
? #Empowerment | Business & Coaching

Recreational activities:

? Goya Food Inc. products
? Covid-19 tests at no cost

Join us!

? November 18th

? From 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m

? At the headquarters of El Concilio

Admission – FREE!

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