Alexandria Ocasio–Cortez, Latin pride

A unique millennial, with a very strong voice and strong values

Woman, Latino descent, young and with political experience. Long before taking a seat in the US Congress, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, had begun to break stereotypes, even those of her generation: She is a unique Millennial, a leader from “A” to “Z”, pride of the Hispanic community.

 Her fierce character, fighting purposes and mechanisms to achieve her goals, set her apart from her generation. He has worked hard every opportunity on her way, others she has built them. Just taking a look at her 31 years old is enough to recognize how Latino values ​​have influenced every experience of her life.

The purpose of this young activist, politician and social fighter, is to wave the flag of Hispanics in lands where this community was once considered a minority with a much muted voice. Little by little, with firm steps, she has reached important steps to achieve his mission.

Why should Latinos turn to see her and support her? Because loudly she has put the shortcomings of this community on the table. Her fight is against social and economic injustices, and in favor of the protection of the undocumented population in different areas.

Why should the young people of her generation not lose sight of her? Because she´s not daunted by anything, not her age, not her Hispanic origin, not even having been a victim of sexual abuse. Whatever she sets as a goal she achieves it, whether in the political, social or academic field.

However, in an interview she confessed that at some point she came to feel that the only effective way to present a political candidacy was by having wealth, social influence and power. But one visit – to North Dakota – changed her mind.

There she saw how others are “putting all their lives and everything at stake to protect their community.” This inspired her. Thus, she worked as an organizer of the campaign of Senator Bernie Sanders (2016); also while working in the office of Senator Lion Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts.

In 2018, she formalized her aspirations to be part of Congress. Against all odds, she defeated Congressman Joe Crowley, in the Democratic primary elections for Congress in the 14th district of New York. On November 6, 2020, she became the youngest US congresswoman.

Values ​​and home

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the daughter of Puerto Ricans, born and raised in the Bronx, in a working-class home. Her father died in 2008 of lung cancer. At that time, she was in the second year of her career at Boston University, where she graduated with Cum Laude in Economics and International Relations.

At the same time – as a good Latina – she assumed her responsibility to help her mother with household spendings and, above all, avoid the foreclosure on her house. She worked in a Manhattan bar and a taco shop. She was also a teacher.

Far from being intimidated, with the perspective of an adult woman, she insisted on fulfilling the commitments acquired with her mother and with herself. Meanwhile she continued forging her strong character and pointing out the shortcomings of her community, of which she would become her voice and vote.

Socially committed

The congresswoman has revolutionized American politics and has become known for her achievements, both political and social, among which are:

  • Brook Avenue Press. It is a publishing company that she founded in 2012, created the publishing house in which she publishes children’s books that show a positive image of the Bronx.
  • Green New Deal. This initiative brings together a set of policies to fight against climate change, global warming and the financial crisis. It also plans to produce a radical change in means of transport and buildings towards renewable and sustainable energy by the year 2030.
  • Medicare For All. Under this proposal, the United States government would provide health benefits to all Americans, thereby alleviating the great financial problem of medical expenses in the country.
  • Immigration and Customs Enforcement Service (ICE). Along with numerous activists and progressive leaders, he has been important opposition to continuing to finance this anti-immigrant policy responsible for numerous raids against undocumented immigrants in the United States.

The Hispanic community of the Bronx applauds her successes since she has stood out as a social activist. That pride spread among Latinos in the 52 US states and globally since his name resounded in the political section of the international press. The pages of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are still being written.

By: Daniela Chirinos Arrieta